The person in charge of recruitment at our company held an interview with representative director Yoshiaki Tanigawa on the theme of "What kind of company is Knot?". Please take a look because he told us what he is thinking about now, such as Knot's job and future vision.
- What kind of company is Knot?
In a nutshell, Knot is a company that does "sales promotion" (hereinafter "SP").
In the advertising industry, it is said that the mass media is shrinking rapidly and Internet advertising is becoming a trend, but in the SP field, I think the role of real communication will become stronger. Among them, Knot is a company with strength on events, so creating "experience" that produces reality is one of our strengths. We are also putting a lot of effort into digital as a creative, so I think it would be good if we could integrate real and digital. -
- What is your business vision for the future?
- Tanigawa: Among the SP, I want to become a company that is strong in creativity (creating the best from scratch). I'm afraid I won't be able to live in the future unless I do that.
- What is the mission of Knot?
- Tanigawa: I believe that each person working at this company needs to be able to grow, so we need to make it a company that can nurture our employees so that their market value in society will rise steadily. I think this is the mission.
- How do you work in knot?
- Tanigawa: I think the fun part of Knot's job is that you have a certain amount of discretion, suggest what you want to do to the customer, and when the customer says "Great!" you can move on. We assign the person in charge for decision-making and try to make him/her judge.
- What is particular about Shibuya?
- Tanigawa: Why Shibuya? When I launched Knot at the age of 30, I thought "Young people create culture and disseminate information" and "Shibuya was the place for young people to gather," so I wanted to work as close to Shibuya as possible. Even after that, the idea of leaving Shibuya is not in my mind, and when I move my office, I always try to find it in Shibuya.
- Please send a message.
- Tanigawa: Knot is a company with full of the personal charm of the people in charge, including myself. I hope you will meet people with various characters and work with them. In addition, it is ideal for those who wish to be hired to be able to sympathize with the idea of "work is fun and be hard on myself". I think Knot is a company where people in such can feel freedom and satisfaction.
How was the interview with the representative of our company? All of our employees are looking forward to working together with you in the future! Thanks for watching.