Knot co.,ltd.


Place of origin : Tokyo
Describe yourself in one word "Love home"

To communicate proactively

What you value in your work
In particular, since I was originally aspiring to be a designer and entered this industry, I would like to do my utmost to meet the requests of designers. For that reason, I try to communicate positively without being lazy.
What kind of work do you want to do?
I feel it's fun when making a website with nice movements and it's done as I wanted. I want to work on the project from creating the composition such as proposing the movement by myself. I will study for that. I also want to work on a project using a character.
Story and reason of joining Knot
Mochizuki-san who I've known from college introduced me to Knot because I was coding in my previous job. I was also thinking of working in a different environment at that time, so I was happy to have the opportunity.